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this is the letter my sister send to me at last week…is damn sad to know that,i can extremely imagine that how worse the situation of mom….beside this,thats one thing seems like unbelievable,just as what she told me, my mom was used to have fever for one month, the funniest thing is ,during a whole month, thats no one clicnic doctor that try to suggest my mom should going to hospital, they just keep on giving my mom some antibiotic, thats all they done…actually what the fuck was going on…are they ediot??they already be a doctor more then 10years, and one thing i am interested to know, did they complete their medical certificate in university?? and what the fuck they was learn during their student period??unfortunately the truth is they learn nothing..and somemore they dare to open clinic and give people treatment….izzit damn funny…i dun think so..i am sad and sorry to tell you all, that is obviously our country fuck up medical level…i have no comment for those ediot doctor…the only way i can suggest they do is they better fuck off theirself…if my mom’s currently condition not become better, i am going to burn up their fucking clinic and kick their fucking ass…

One last thing..hope my mom can recover as soon as possible..thats all i wish..and i can sure that those useless doctor will meet together in hell….

昨天,从朋友处抄来了一部电影,名字叫“蝴蝶效应(the butterfly effect)“, 虽然是一部惊悚片,可是看完之后,这部片带给我的感觉,却不仅仅是惊吓两个字那么简单,它引发了我的一段思潮,让我对人生有了另一番的体验。。。

蝴蝶效应是气象学家洛伦兹(lorenz)在1963年提出来的,为了预报天气,他用计算机求解仿真地球大气的13个方程式,意图是利用计算机的高速运算来提高长期天气预报的准确性。1963年的一次试验中,为了更细致地考察结果,他把一个中间解0.506取出,提高精度到0.506127再送回。而当他到咖啡馆喝了杯咖啡以后回来再看时竟大吃一惊:本来很小的差异,结果却偏离了十万八千里!再次验算发现计算机并没有毛病,他发现,由于误差会以指数形式增长,在这种情况下,一个微小的误差随着不断推移造成了巨大的后果。他于是认定这为:“对初始值的极端不稳定性”,即:“混沌 ”,又称“蝴蝶效应”



就像电影里的剧情一样,男主角埃文是一个平平无奇的大学生,唯一和普通人不同的是从童年时代起,就写日记不停记录他每日生活中的全部细节。某天,埃文忽然读到了那些记录中的一部分,顿时,那些已经被他自己埋葬在内心最深处许多年的黑暗记忆又再次被唤醒,他记起了儿时因为恶作剧而误杀了一对母子,他记起了小时候被凯丽那性变态的父亲玩弄的惨痛记忆,那一切都是改变了他整个少年时代的不堪回首往事。机缘巧合,埃文忽然发现自己可以通过一直搁在床下那些写着当年记录的日记本回到过去,进入自己当年的身体。也许这些落满灰尘的日记本可以让他从此摆脱所有不愉快的记忆,抱着这样的想法,埃文回到过去,力图改写历史,以为这样就可以治愈他受伤的记忆,让他和所爱的人们能从此之后幸福生活。他制定出无懈可击计划,执行起来也小心翼翼。但等他一旦回到现实,却发现一切都已面目全非。他的行为已经造成了损失惨重的改变,而他最亲密的那些朋友的生活已经南辕北辙。特别是他的初恋女友凯丽,他们是儿时玩伴,在经历了长久的漠然以对之后,发现彼此还是相爱。为了弥补自己的错误,埃文只好一次次的回到过去,但每次总有些小事件在他不注意时层出不穷地发生,之后一连串连锁反应,到底让他和他朋友们的生活更加彻头彻尾的改变。于是埃文一次次尝试,他们的生活也就像高速火车一般刹那间从山顶冲下,树林或者河流在窗外一掠而过。凯莉从女招待到学生会主席再到落魄吸毒者。她的命运和他一样不停改变。最后,埃文回到了第一次认识凯莉的聚会,回到从前的埃文骂了凯莉,他与凯莉没有成为好朋友,而凯莉和汤姆也远离了他们那变态的父亲,工作后的埃文在街上偶遇凯莉,但却没有相认。最后凯丽和埃文擦肩而过的情节很独特,他们好象有默契的回头张望,而又放弃般的回过头去踏上各自的道路。结尾的似曾相识的迷离结束在oasis的《Stop Crying Your Heart Out》的歌声中久久回响。

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Cocaine is an alkaloid found in leaves of the South American shrub Erythroxylon coca. It is a powerfully reinforcing psychostimulant. The drug induces a sense of exhilaration in the user primarily by blocking the reuptake of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the midbrain.

In pre-Columbian times, the coca leaf was officially reserved for Inca royalty. The natives used coca for mystical, religious, social, nutritional and medicinal purposes. The noted 16th century roman Catholic declared that "coca is a plant that the devil invented for the total destruction of the natives." But the invaders discovered that without the Incan "gift of the gods", the natives could barely work the fields - or mine gold. So it came to be cultivated even by the Catholic Church. Coca leaves were distributed three or four times a day to the workers during brief rest-breaks.

Coca-cola was introduced in 1886 as "a valuable brain-tonic and cure for all nervous afflictions". Coca-cola was promoted as a temperance drink "offering the virtues of coca without the vices of alcohol". The new beverage was invigorating and popular. Until 1903, a typical serving contained around 60mg of cocaine. Sold today, it still contains an extract of coca-leaves. The Coca-Cola Company imports eight tons from South America each year. Nowadays the leaves are used only for flavouring since the drug has been removed.

A coca leaf typically contains between 0.1 and 0.9 percent cocaine. If chewed in such form, it rarely presents the user with any social or medical problems. Indeed coca-chewing may be therapeutic. When the leaves are soaked and mashed, however, cocaine is then extracted as a coca-paste.

Crack-cocaine delivers an intensity of pleasure completely outside the normal range of human experience. It offers the most wonderful state of consciousness, and the most intense sense of being alive, the user will ever enjoy. Groping for adequate words, crack-takers sometimes speak of the rush in terms of a "whole-body orgasm". Drug-naive virgins - slightly shop-soiled or otherwise - cannot be confident (unless in thrall to ill-conceived logical behaviourist theories of meaning) that they have grasped the significance of such an expression. For to do so, it would be necessary to take the drug via its distinctive delivery-mechanism oneself. This is at best very imprudent.

Ultimately, the emotional baseline, and affective analogue of Absolute Zero, characteristic of post-humanity in its hedonically enriched modes of awareness may be greater than anything we can now grasp. It may be higher than the rapturous transports of the most euphoric coke-binge in paleo-human history. In the meantime, a drug which induces a secular parody of Heaven commonly leads the user into a biological counterpart of Hell.